Hotel Information

The congress location Tübingen offers a variety of hotels not far from the congress venue.

Discounted booking conditions are offered for congress visitors. Special booking conditions expire: July 19, 2024

We recommend the following hotels:

Guesthouse - University Tuebingen

Please enter the following keyword when booking so that you receive the special rate: ICPM

The special rate expires August 19, 2024.

Travel to Tübingen

Get there relaxed – travel CO2-free. Your Event Ticket at a fixed price throughout Germany. From any DB station to our event, with the City-Ticket included.

Event Ticket one-way and specific train (subject to availability):
• 1st class 89,90 € (seat reservation incl.)
• 2nd class 55,90 €

Event Ticket one-way and fully flexible:
• 1st class 112,90 € (seat reservation incl.)
• 2nd class 77,90 €

Book online now and get the lowest price for your preferred route – guarantee

Arrival by plane

If you plan on travelling by plane, the next airport is in Stuttgart.

From there, you have the option of taking the “Stuttgart-Tübingen Airport Sprinter” (line no. 828) to Tübingen.

The current ticket prices and further information can also be found here.


Important Dates

January 2024
Registration and Abstract Submission open

April 15, 2024
April 28, 2024

Stipend Application Deadline

April 15, 2024
May 06, 2024

Abstract Submission Deadline

May 22, 2024
June 17, 2024

Early Bird Registration Deadline

September 19 – 21, 2024
ICPM 2024
Tübingen, Germany

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